the monument of Freedom , with one big socialist sculpture in the middle and a monument dedicated to the tatars right next to it. Kinda' to many monuments per square meter.

a new monument dedicated to the victims of hunger , one of the things that Ianukovici did for his country during his 5 year presidency.

a monument dedicated to wichcrafts

Very very deep subway station , all of them are like this !

where the Orange Revolution Happened
Dupa cu vad eu totul seamana cu Romania prin anii '90 (nu chiar dupa revolutie mai degraba dupa '96). Bine eu ma refer mai mult la orasele mai civilizate si mai mari de la noi.Ca unele este la fel si acum.
RăspundețiȘtergereNu pare asa o societate de consum ca la noi, sau nu inca:)
PS; Cipriane de ce apare numele la comentariile de mai sus?
nu inteleg cum este inca si cum scrii cu numele meu ?