After runnıng after Gomel attractıons at 6 ın the mornıng I went to the traın , destınatıon Cernıhıv. There I have met wıth Alex ( Sasha ) , my host. We went to the cıty center and left my backpack to a shop where a frıend of hıs was workıng. After that we have met with his buddy Vitalic with whom we have spent the whole day. We had a photoshooting with Chilli vodka and the monuments on Cernihiv hill.

We went afterwards to a tea to Vitalic’s mother, she was a nice woman who showed a great hospitality and gave me as a souvenir some things from the newly finished election , pen , fridge magnet and a flag with the new president of Ukraine , Ianukovic .

Went as well to the tombs of the monks that are situated under a orthodox church. A really awesome experience . Only the three of us a little tipsy at the time of closing .

We went with the marshutka to his place where I’ve met his parents , and where we cooled with some borsh. He tought of going to the local sauna , bania as the locals would say. Here they say that there is a difference between bania and sauna , sauna is more dry and the bania is wet and you get the chance to slap yourself with wet leafs , which I must say that is a really hard thing to stand, because the temperature raises so much that you start feeling yourself like in an oven ,and can hardly breathe. There we’ve met some locals which didn’t knew English at all. The main discussion was about Lada Kalina and another local brand , swearing and about Inna/Hot. Actually after this they started calling me Morandi ). They were used with the bania treatment and went directly in the river , I’ve went with them but after 50 meters ran in the snow I got pretty cold and went back in the sauna .
Another amazing thing is that you could eat and drink there in the Bania and a traditional way is to drink beer and eat smoked fish. Pretty cool actually.
I left Cernihiv with a promise made to Sasha that we’ll definitely meet again in this period of time.
Another amazing thing is that you could eat and drink there in the Bania and a traditional way is to drink beer and eat smoked fish. Pretty cool actually.
I left Cernihiv with a promise made to Sasha that we’ll definitely meet again in this period of time.
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