sâmbătă, 27 martie 2010
I am now in Berdiansk , I will upload some pictures from some great guys that I've met here , I belive that they are really nice ! Denis Davidoff and Linas , he's from Kaunas Lithuania , he said that he stayed in Romania for 6 months when he was a child in the city of Ploiesti . He still remembers some things in romanian .
Wedding locker !
I will come with some other info about this city and the people , I have found here very warm and hospitable people and good beer , I truly belive that the city looks even better in summer.
vineri, 26 martie 2010
A vital industrial center of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk was one of the key centers of the nuclear arms and space industries of the former CCCP. In particular, it is home to Yuhzmash, a major space and ballistic missile designer and manufacturer. Because of its military industry, the city was a closed city until the 1990s. Many people told me about this , but I could not imagine how it was back in the days. Anyway they say that it was closed for foreigners but , still this is enough. There is one of the biggest missle manufacturer from the Soviet Union so they had to protect somehow this kind of information.
The major streets of the city were renamed in honour of Marxist heroes during the Soviet era. The central thoroughfare is known as Karl Marx Prospekt, a wide and long boulevard that stretches east to west through the centre of the city.
Crazy kids doing bath on freezing day .
the landmak of Dnipr
It has also a subway , is one of the 3 cities in Ukraine that have a metro Kiev , Dnipr and Harchiv. But Dnipropetrovsk's subway has only 6 stations and it's more or less useless , because it conects the railstation to one of the sleeping neighbourhoods. I still haven't used it.
The streets aren't that wide as other cities and not that clean , even though the city is a financial center and you could see almost everywere Hummers around.
Europa Square
Until now I have seen two fights on the street , so it seems that the stereotipes are a little bit true on one part . The first one was really scary , a gang of guys camed out from a car and start beating 2 guys, I haven't seen the beggining neither the finnish , but I hope no one got serious injuries . They used bottles and fired a gun to scare the guys , I thought that is only in the movies but it seems that reality strikes worst.
The other one was kindof funny , I watched while my group was buing shaorma , they seemed to be friends , but one of them really really drunk keept trying to beat the other , this last one a little bit more sober tried to calm him down and to dress him but in his knd of way so they kept beating each other right in the middle of the center not very far away from the other fight that tooked place 2 days earlier.
Speaking about shaorma , this food seems to be everywere in the world . Cheap and good, for one Balsoia ( big one ) you should pay between 12 and 15 hrivnas , like 6 lei or 1 and a 1/2 Euro.
i do not understand actually what's their thing in putting carrots in everything they eat. The taste is rather sweet and not so tasty as ours. Also this is the first time when I eat shaorma with cheese and mushrooms , I think after all anything could fit in but depends...
Dnipro fun
In trenul cu care am ajuns in Dnipro am fost impreuna cu 2 din viitoarele colege , Ana din Croatia si Filippa din Suedia . Nu ne-am intalnit insa decat cand am pasit pe peronul garii din Dnipropetrovsk . Orasul e foarte mare , tin minte ca am facut mai mult de 40 de minute cu marshrutka pana in cartierul in care stam noi . Este un oras foarte mare , dar neprietenos cu turistii. Microbuzele despre care vorbesc acopera tot orasul si sunt foarte multe , o gramada de numere si foarte greu de tinut minte. Le este foarte usor de exemlu sa schimbe traseul daca intampina un blocaj rutier sau ceva de genu . Opresc oriunde si nu au statii definite , astfel este foarte greu de tinut minte un traseu prin oras. Pot spune ca este cel mai "unfriendly" oras pe care l-am intalnit pana acum.
Noi stam in cartierul Shinnik si pana acum am descoperit ca trebuie sa luam marshutka 45,69,123,145,136 pentru a ajunge in zona . Incet incet descopar orasul.
Inca din prima seara am facut cunostiinta intre noi si cu gazdele cu gazdele proiectului, nu am avut divergente pana acum si totul pare a fi in ordine.
Am avut parte si de un global village in apartamentul nostru unde am mancat si baut , chestii traditionale. Fiecare am avut cate o prezentare si cate ceva special.
pe langa gasca obisnuita , au mai fost un brazilian , un japonez , o turcoaica si un egiptean. Iarna inca nu a parasit pe deplin Ucraina dar atmosfera e incinsa.
Am scris bucata asta in romana ca sa poate intelege si Coada )))
the very first moments in tha crib , we were soo tired
Slibovita !
Global Village in our crib
first night drink
joi, 25 martie 2010
Kiev ( part 2 )
the monument of Freedom , with one big socialist sculpture in the middle and a monument dedicated to the tatars right next to it. Kinda' to many monuments per square meter.
a new monument dedicated to the victims of hunger , one of the things that Ianukovici did for his country during his 5 year presidency.
Kiev ( part 1 )
I have seen a lot of churches and in a lot of shapes , I must say that this is the most interesting part in Kiev , fie ca vrei sau nu.
I left Cernihiv with a promise that I'll find somethingto stay in Kiev .I still haved 2 days until i had to be in Dnipro , and I thought that this is a good way to spend my time . I left with a marshutka and arrived at the outskirts of kiev , then i tooked the metro and went to the railway station ( Vagzal ). Where I left my big back pack and started wondering the streets.
Cernihiv ( part 2 )
After runnıng after Gomel attractıons at 6 ın the mornıng I went to the traın , destınatıon Cernıhıv. There I have met wıth Alex ( Sasha ) , my host. We went to the cıty center and left my backpack to a shop where a frıend of hıs was workıng. After that we have met with his buddy Vitalic with whom we have spent the whole day. We had a photoshooting with Chilli vodka and the monuments on Cernihiv hill.
We went afterwards to a tea to Vitalic’s mother, she was a nice woman who showed a great hospitality and gave me as a souvenir some things from the newly finished election , pen , fridge magnet and a flag with the new president of Ukraine , Ianukovic .
Went as well to the tombs of the monks that are situated under a orthodox church. A really awesome experience . Only the three of us a little tipsy at the time of closing .
We went with the marshutka to his place where I’ve met his parents , and where we cooled with some borsh. He tought of going to the local sauna , bania as the locals would say. Here they say that there is a difference between bania and sauna , sauna is more dry and the bania is wet and you get the chance to slap yourself with wet leafs , which I must say that is a really hard thing to stand, because the temperature raises so much that you start feeling yourself like in an oven ,and can hardly breathe. There we’ve met some locals which didn’t knew English at all. The main discussion was about Lada Kalina and another local brand , swearing and about Inna/Hot. Actually after this they started calling me Morandi ). They were used with the bania treatment and went directly in the river , I’ve went with them but after 50 meters ran in the snow I got pretty cold and went back in the sauna .
Another amazing thing is that you could eat and drink there in the Bania and a traditional way is to drink beer and eat smoked fish. Pretty cool actually.
I left Cernihiv with a promise made to Sasha that we’ll definitely meet again in this period of time.
Another amazing thing is that you could eat and drink there in the Bania and a traditional way is to drink beer and eat smoked fish. Pretty cool actually.
I left Cernihiv with a promise made to Sasha that we’ll definitely meet again in this period of time.
marți, 23 martie 2010
tha crib
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