2 weeks ago I have visited Donetsk , after a big round made in the south of East Ukraine , including Zaporoje , Berdyansk ,Mariupol ( 1 hour ) I had arrived to Donetsk .
The first paraghraph found in the Lonely Planet Guide was this ¨Making international headlines only with fatal mine collapses or explosions or when it´s threatening to secede from Ukraine , ... ¨
the pig living in the restaurants toilet
The city is not as big as Dnipropetrovsk but it is still pretty huge , once I had arrived the gang , who arrived there 1 day earlier met me at the AftoVogzal and than went to the new Donbass Arena , the new Mecca of football in Eastern Europe I must say. I have found this stadium really amazing and new , I heard that the opening ceremony was just a couple of months ago. The local team Shahktar played with a team from Kiev named Arsenal . We had pretty good places but at the break , I moved to the center of the field right behind the bench of local team. I was 3 meters behind the couch ( Mircea Lucescu ) and less than 8 to the field , as I could have smelled the grass on the football field . The game was pretty nice , but I was expecting a warmer atmosphere . But filling half of a 60.000 places stadium when playing with a middle range team from your league it is still pretty good.
night view with Donbas Arena
Shakhtar won with 3-1 and I went to the bench to congratulate them , I said
¨ Felicitari pentru victorie , dom´ profesor ! ¨ and then Mircea Lucescu shaked my hand and said Mersi ¡ , afterwards I shouted to Razvan Rat but he hadn´t heard me.
After this photo I realized that the team Arsenal Kiev didn´t had just one Romanian player named Florin Soava , but also another one , Rapid´s former player – Razvan Maziliu.
In the evening we had also an international party like all the others with Egiptian, Portughese ,American and Canadian people as foreigners besides us. The next day the girls left leaving me to discover Donetsks highest attractions . Here I have found the only statue of Lenin wearing a hat , the longest bar in Ukraine , or Europe and a bar named Svinia ( pig in english ) , who had a real pig living in the toilet. The whole idea is pretty great and the waiters were so kind that they showed me some tricks with the pig. Other interesting thing is that I have found 70 hrivnas on the street wich helped me pay the ticket back to Dnipropetrovsk , wich was more expensive that the others because I asked for coupe in stead of Platz Kard , what should I do … Language Barrier !!!
After discovering almost all East Ukraine , at least the important places around , I should say that Donetsk along with Dnipro is not the place to visit and have a smashing time , but as anywhere else in the world if you have the right company it doesn´t matter at all.
Shah-ti-or ! Shah-ti-or !
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