marți, 11 mai 2010
Bike track in Bacau !
help us do this agreeing wih this Infrastructuri pentru biciclisti: Apel public catre Primaria Bacau
I've already done it !
happy travels !
luni, 26 aprilie 2010
duminică, 25 aprilie 2010
moja Ukraina ( part 1 )
Dnipro - Metalurg Zaporojie
A trebuit sa punctez si atractia asta , ce pot sa spun la infrastructura stadioanelor ucrainenii stau mult mai bine decat noi , asta si pentru ca se pregatesc pentru campionatul European de fotbal din 2012 . Pentru acest campionat au pus la dispozitie 4 orase : Donetsk , Harkiv , Kiev si Lviv. Cu toate ca Dnipropetrovsk nu este printre aceste orase ei au un stadion nou si modern .
Orasul a pierdut pe ultima suta de metri organizarea campionatului European in defavoarea lui Lviv datorita infrastructurii proaste si lipsei unui aeroport decent.
Fanele pregatite de un nou meci , cu bere si seminte in fata stadionului.
Ultrasii din Dnepropetrovsk sunt renumiti in Ucraina , cred ca sunt cei mai pasionati fani , au si de ce , inainte de era Ahmetov/ Lucescu , Dnipro era o forta in campionatul ucrainean castigand de cateva ori campionatul. Acum este o echipa bunicica , luptanduse intotdeana pentru locurile 3-5 . Per total atmosfera a fost mult peste cea din Donetsk cu toate ca adversara a fost la fel de mediocra ca si Arsenal Kiev.
Dnipro 2 - 0 Metalurg
vineri, 23 aprilie 2010
Dnipro International Party Reloaded
This is the second Dnipro IP that I had in my flat , at the first one we´ve gathered 7 different nationalities such as : Croatia , Rusia , USA , Romania , Ucraina , Sweden and Poland.
This time we´ve beat our previous record gathering now 10 nationalities , the one counted above without USA but with extra flavour from Georgia , Ecuador , Cameroon and France.
Great one , hope that I´ll happen again soon !
New guests arrived
Tag session on girl arms
Al Al catching the action
My surfers from Cameroon , Frankie and Djambou
International flat in Shinnik
luni, 19 aprilie 2010
Ukrainian All Star Game
Weekendul trecut am preferat sa nu plec din oras deoarece am aflat ca in oras va fi All Starul Ucrainean , Match Zirok dintre cei mai buni jucatori ucraineni din campionatul lor si cei mai bun straini din campionat , pe scurt Ukraina vs Legion.
Meciul a fost interesant , mai ales datorita faptului ca e prima data cand particip la un All Star , fie el ucrainean sau romanesc. Showul , destul de bine organizat , cu jocuri si concursuri pentru public si binecunoscutele Skills , 3 Puncte si concursul de Slam Dunk.
Lume a fost destula si nu numai din Dnepropetrovsk , orase ca Berdyansk , Mariupol , Zaporoje sau Odessa avand sustinatorii lor in tribune. Incerc sa pun cateva poze profesioniste de pe siteurile de specialitate de aici dar se pare ca limba rusa inca imi da batai mari de cap , pana atunci voi posta un link si cateva poze facute cu aparatul meu , calitatea nu este prea buna avand in vedere ca ecranul este in continuare bulit si nu pot verifica pozele.
inca imi este foarte greu cu limba asa ca voi posta doar un link cu un video de la eveniment
the Foxy Ladies from Kiev
Gagicile din Ucraina in cautare senzatii tari !
La final organizatorii au lasat publicul sa intre pe parchet si sa verifice daca instalatia e corespunzatoare )))
joi, 15 aprilie 2010
Shah-ti-or ! Shah-ti-or !
2 weeks ago I have visited Donetsk , after a big round made in the south of East Ukraine , including Zaporoje , Berdyansk ,Mariupol ( 1 hour ) I had arrived to Donetsk .
The first paraghraph found in the Lonely Planet Guide was this ¨Making international headlines only with fatal mine collapses or explosions or when it´s threatening to secede from Ukraine , ... ¨
the pig living in the restaurants toilet
The city is not as big as Dnipropetrovsk but it is still pretty huge , once I had arrived the gang , who arrived there 1 day earlier met me at the AftoVogzal and than went to the new Donbass Arena , the new Mecca of football in Eastern Europe I must say. I have found this stadium really amazing and new , I heard that the opening ceremony was just a couple of months ago. The local team Shahktar played with a team from Kiev named Arsenal . We had pretty good places but at the break , I moved to the center of the field right behind the bench of local team. I was 3 meters behind the couch ( Mircea Lucescu ) and less than 8 to the field , as I could have smelled the grass on the football field . The game was pretty nice , but I was expecting a warmer atmosphere . But filling half of a 60.000 places stadium when playing with a middle range team from your league it is still pretty good.
night view with Donbas Arena
Shakhtar won with 3-1 and I went to the bench to congratulate them , I said
¨ Felicitari pentru victorie , dom´ profesor ! ¨ and then Mircea Lucescu shaked my hand and said Mersi ¡ , afterwards I shouted to Razvan Rat but he hadn´t heard me.
After this photo I realized that the team Arsenal Kiev didn´t had just one Romanian player named Florin Soava , but also another one , Rapid´s former player – Razvan Maziliu.
In the evening we had also an international party like all the others with Egiptian, Portughese ,American and Canadian people as foreigners besides us. The next day the girls left leaving me to discover Donetsks highest attractions . Here I have found the only statue of Lenin wearing a hat , the longest bar in Ukraine , or Europe and a bar named Svinia ( pig in english ) , who had a real pig living in the toilet. The whole idea is pretty great and the waiters were so kind that they showed me some tricks with the pig. Other interesting thing is that I have found 70 hrivnas on the street wich helped me pay the ticket back to Dnipropetrovsk , wich was more expensive that the others because I asked for coupe in stead of Platz Kard , what should I do … Language Barrier !!!
After discovering almost all East Ukraine , at least the important places around , I should say that Donetsk along with Dnipro is not the place to visit and have a smashing time , but as anywhere else in the world if you have the right company it doesn´t matter at all.
Shah-ti-or ! Shah-ti-or !
Zaporijia and Khortitza Island
Zaporoje or Zaporizhzhya how the locals would say is one of the nicest cities in Ukraine , at least from the ones that I have visited so far , I went there in the middle of the week on Wednesday evening and met my host Roman , actually planning this trip was kinda short notice . When I said to the girls that I will visit Zaporoje , Evelyn my colleague from Ecuador said that she wants to join me ,so I waited her to pack for another hour and then left to the AftoVagzal. The trip with the marshutka was kinda´ short . We arrived there in the late evening and Roman and his wife showed us the city a little bit .
In the morning we went to visit around , Zaporizhzhya has 815.000 people and it is a long streak of a city , concentrated along one endless street . It is a medium size city for Ukraine but pretty nice. Me and Evelyn visited a local musem that combines old and recent history with fauna and geologic stuff. The most interesting part of the musem was that related to the WW2 and the disputes between the Russians and Germans .
The church from the cossack village
In the evening we went to Khortytsya(Hortitza) Island , the most famous place in whole region , the place of birth of the cossacks where we visited Skivski Stan , the 16th century base of the famous Zaporizhny Cossacks , a musem related with the history of Cossacks and village replica used for a movie here on the island.
In order to get on the island we must had to pass through Dniprogress , the largest dam in the URSS. In the Lonley Planet Guide it is written that until 2007 this ¨Dniprogress¨ was part of the following list , Eiffel Tower , golden Gate Bridge , Empire State Building , Panama Canal , Suez Canal , Alaska Highway , that means that until 2007 this Zaporizhzhya Dnirpogres Dam with it´s 760 m , was one of the 7 wonders of the modern world. It is hard to imagine that because our( Romanian ) Vidraru Dam with it´s 162 m of hight looks more impressive than it .
The next day , I walked Evelyn to the Bus station that on the end of Lenina street ( the longest street in Europe with 14 km ) and on my way back decided to walk all the way from an end to another , it was worth it , because after 3 and a half hours of walking I could say now that I know all Zaporizhzhya.
In the evening another party expected me , because one American girl Heata from CS , invited me and my friends to her American friends flat . In the evening the other girls from our flat decided to come to Zapo , because in the morning we were supposed to have the great rope JUMP !
One amazing thing happened to me in the streets of Zapo , we were having a shaorma and a beer when a lady that was cleaning the streets approached us and spoke in English , it was such a emotional moment that I´ve made a picture with her , the most impressive was because here in Ukraine you could hardly find some English speakers among young people, not to tell about the elder ones.
miercuri, 7 aprilie 2010
Krivoy Rog and Easter
As you know the holiday of Easter just finished , this year I had celebrated it in Ukraine in a town named Krivoy Rog , maybe you do not know nothing about it but it is a big city and it used to be or still is one of the pilons of ukranian economy. It has 700.000 inhabitats and it is the longest city in Europe , yeah you got it right , measuring 126 km from north to south . I heard this from many people but I wanted to see that with my own eyes , so in Saturday morning I left for it accepting the invitation of 2 friends of mine from Kiev , the sisters Antonina and Galia .
A former gym transformed now in a church
A city as big as Krivoy Rog , has just 6 churches , from whom 2 of them were rebuild and made out of a gym and a formal market. Not to say about Dnipro , city bigger than 1 million having just a couple of churches , you could count them just with the fingers from one hand , less than Tirgoviste having on a whole street.
What can I say about the Easter , it is different for sure , I thought that Russian and ukrainian people are more religious because that is the stereotype that television gives you , but I must say that is not even close to it-
Even though I liked their tradition of going to the church in early morning with the basket full of goods that are waiting to be baptized . I have noticed that the holliday in fact is not a really big thing for them , some of the young people didn´t even bother going home to spend some time with their family and the some shops remained opened during the 2 day holliday that they had.
duminică, 4 aprilie 2010
sâmbătă, 27 martie 2010

I am now in Berdiansk , I will upload some pictures from some great guys that I've met here , I belive that they are really nice ! Denis Davidoff and Linas , he's from Kaunas Lithuania , he said that he stayed in Romania for 6 months when he was a child in the city of Ploiesti . He still remembers some things in romanian .

Wedding locker !

I will come with some other info about this city and the people , I have found here very warm and hospitable people and good beer , I truly belive that the city looks even better in summer.